Facebook Live Streaming | Fa





United Arab Emirates

In this age of technology, when everybodys mother and grandmother is on Facebook, its become more than just a social media platform. Its widely spread and varied user base form an excellent audience for receiving information via Facebook live video streaming, and top brands have begun to harness this explosive power of Facebook through live Facebook streaming services.

Benefits of Facebook Live Video Streaming
Reduce Broadcasting costs and saves time
Live webcast on Facebook saves time and reduces company cost that would have otherwise skyrocketed to a much larger amount if employed in conventional marketing gimmicks.

Helps you stay connected with audience
As Facebook is a home to a variety of audience, especially young people, streaming to Facebook live has plenty of opportunities to broadcast your message to a larger, interested audience.

Broaden viewership
Facebook Live video streaming is one of the best ways to ensure your broadcast reaches over to a wider audience across nationalities, continents and places.

Reach to every device
Perhaps the best feature that comes with live webcast on Facebook is its omniscience. Live broadcasts can easily be accessed and seen on any device enabled by Internet, thus massively increasing the viewer base.

With such a wide list of benefits, its practically no wonder that Facebook live video streaming is the voice and face of a new dawn in marketing.

Once having zeroed-in on streaming to FBLive; comes the question of which of the multiple Live Facebook Streaming Services to choose from.

Why Dreamcast?
With an exemplary portfolio of live Facebook, YouTubeand webcasting services plus webcast of events, conference live streaming and Private webcasting screenings for AGMs etc., inDubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjahand UAE as well as in other parts of Asia, Dreamcast is a one-stop solution for live webcasting, educational and cultural events plus a number of other activities.

Have a look at our Facebook Live Video Streaming features:

Privacy and Security
Rest easy in the knowledge that your live webcasting data is in absolutely safe hands with us. We promise our customers 100% secure delivery of live videos.

Easy monetization of live streaming videos ensures complete transparency along with a high-quality video output for your audience.

Get customized website landing links and personalized logo on your live webcast on Facebook video streaming and accompanying digital shout-outs on various social media platforms to increase the reach and viewer impressions of your live stream.

Unlimited Streaming
With no bars on shareable content and the hours of live video you can broadcast, we provide you with a seamless, smooth and hassle-free Facebook live video streaming experience.

Multi-Device support
Whether you choose to live webcast on Facebook via desktop computers, hand-held mobile phones, tablets, PCs or any other device, our live streaming services are versatile and adaptable to suit any format.

So go ahead, try our Facebook live video streaming plans, and take your business, event, conference or launch to new heights! Choose from one of our wide array of plans that best suit your needs of the moment plus future aspirations, and we will help take your word out to a large audience base and get your event, launch, business or conference a solid, firm digital foothold.

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