Bullet Resistant Fiberglass Panels | Bu

Safety is a matter of trust. If there is a need for ballistic safety in and around buildings, vehicles, ships and containers, we must be able to rely at all times on the ballistic protection materials used. Whether the required protection is against shots, blasts, shattering, fire or burglary, there is absolutely no room for compromise. Your safety is our priority. The key to a bullet proof wall is bullet resistant fiberglass panels. Admax is dedicated to the highest level of customer service at each step in the process of ordering bulletproof panels and deliver superior security against bullets and blast fragments.

We are the leading supplier of ballistic fiberglass panels in UAE. We offer a large selection of bullet resistant fiberglass Panels. Our experience includes supply of ballistic resistant panels for a wide range of applications: commercial, governmental, educational and military. Our product manufactured from an ISO 9001:2008 certified factory.

Admax offers ballistic resistant panels in 8 different levels of protection: Level 1 Level 8. Each level is rigorously tested to meet or exceed UL specifications for that specific level. All levels are UL certified and come backed with our warranty. Our products can be used for a wide range of applications, including, Commercial, Financial, Government, Grid Security, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Military, Residential, Safe Rooms and Schools.

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